Rapture Biotech

Pre-PhD Training

Pre-Ph.D. Program

Our Pre-Ph.D. Training Program is designed to provide students with a strong foundation in the key areas of biotechnology and related fields. This program is ideal for students who wish to build their research skills, gain hands-on experience, and prepare for a successful Ph.D. journey.

Program Overview: This comprehensive training covers coursework, research methodologies, and real-world laboratory techniques, ensuring you are well-equipped for future research work. The training is divided into multiple stages to help you build your knowledge and skills in a structured manner.

  • Basic calculations (Percentage, Molarity and Normality) and Lab safety rules.
  • First 6 Months course work in different areas- Computer science, Molecular Biology, Microbiology,Instrumentations, Statistics etc- Passing mark is 50 %.
  • Guide selection.
  • Selection of area of Interest by student/Guide have already running project.
  • Literature of survey according to your work.
  • Flow chart preparation.
  • Protocols development according to the flow chart.
  • Execution of protocols -They are working or not.
  • Trouble shooting in procedure if results were wrong.
  • Table, graph, chart preparation according to data.
  • Importance of paper publication.
  • How to search suitable journals for paper publications.
  • Difference between different papers and publication- rapid publication, short communication, abstract publication, review paper, research paper etc.
  • How to paper searching for paper publication.
  • What are major criteria for paper publication- paper format, Time of publication, impact factor, publication charge, indexing, monthly/bimonthlyetc.
  • What is impact factor.
  • Knowledge about Journal indexing.
  • How to paper write.
  • References related problems.
  • How to paper send in journals for publication.
  • Wait until reviewers’ comments.
  • After all this, you will be given technical knowledge in different research area…….


(A). Bioinformatics & Computational Biology

(B). Herbal Drug formulation/Natural Product Research

(C).Industrial Microbiology/Medical and Clinical Microbiology/ Food Microbiology/Enzymology and Fermentation technology

(D). Molecular Disease Diagnostic/ Recombinant DNA Technology

(E). Nano Biotechnology

(F). Animal and Stem cell culture

(G). Instrumentation Techniques

(A) Bioinformatics & Computational Biology

Topics included in this modules- Introduction of bioinformatics, Application of bioinformatics, Scope of bioinformatics, Uses &Importance of bioinformatics, Sequence database similarity searching tools: FASTA, BLAST (BLASTP, BLASTN, BLASTX, TBLASTX, TBLASTN), Multiple sequence alignment tool: ClustalW, Introduction of Biological databases: Primary databases & Secondary databases, Sequence databases (GenBank, EMBL, DDBJ), Protein structure, classification and family databases (PDB, CATH, SCOP, Pfam, PIR,PROSITRE, Swiss-Prot), Detailed Understanding of Phylogenetic Analysis. Conceptual understanding of structural bioinformatics & molecular bioinformatics, major databases in bioinformatics, Concept of sequencing: (Genome sequencing & Transcriptome sequencing), Concept of Homology Modelling, Concept of Molecular Docking (Drug Designing), ADMET Analysis, Concept of MD Simulation, Software & tools of MD simulation, Detailed understanding of NGS analysis (Concept of Quality Control, Concept of Alignment & Assembly, Concept of DEGs analysis & Tools of NGS analysis), Primer Designing.

(B) Herbal Drug formulation/Natural Product Research

In this module, passed out students will be exposed to the foundations, theoretical and practical of herbal drug formulation and the role played by discoveries and applications of herbal drug. Quality compliances – Good Laboratory Practices (GLP), guidelines and basic principles of Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP), Principle, standard operating procedure (SOP) and Calibration of Instruments, quality control (QC) and quality assurance (QA), screening of bioactive plants, preparation of crude extracts from different extraction technique, Qualitative  and Quantitative plant secondary metabolites study, In this module we learn to investigate different Pharmacological  activity of crude extracts at different parameters (Antimicrobial susceptibility testing -AST, Antioxidant activity-AA, Bioautography, Minimum Inhibitory concentration-MIC, Minimum bactericidal concentration-MBC), isolation of bioactive compound from crude extract through different techniques (Preparative and analytical Thin layer chromatography-TLC, Column chromatography-CC, High performance liquid chromatography-HPLC and Gas Chromatography-GC), formulation and validation of different pure herbal products (hand sanitizer, shampoo, toothpaste, hair oil, face wash etc. from different plant extracts) quality control of raw materials and many more.

(C) Industrial Microbiology/Medical and Clinical Microbiology/ Food Microbiology/Enzymology and Fermentation technology

In this module, passed out students will be exposed to the foundations, theoretical and practical of microbiology/enzymology and the role played by discoveries and applications of Microbiology/ enzymology, Introduction and market Scenario of microbiology, standard operating procedure (SOP) and Calibration of Instruments, quality control (QC) and quality assurance (QA), in this module we learn how to isolate and identify the  bacteria from different places (air, water, soil, sewage water etc), different sterilization techniques, solid and liquid media preparation, culture maintenance, different techniques involve in the isolation of bacteria- pouring, spreading, different streaking techniques, CFU/ml calculation, identification of bacteria- morphological identification (shape, colour, size, margin, motility test, gram staining, endospore staining, capsule staining), biochemical identification (starch hydrolysis test,  MR-VP test, nitrate test, citrate test, urease test, catalase, dextrose, sucrose, mannitol, lactose test etc.), growth kinetics at different parameters (temperature/pH/carbon/nitrogen), isolation of industrially important bacteria/fungi, Isolation and identification of human pathogenic bacteria selective media, AST-MIC-MBC of different antibiotics against isolated pathogenic bacteria/fungi, Cell immobilization technique with sodium alginate method, basics of fermentation, types of fermentation, enzyme production through submerge fermentation and many more.

(D)    Molecular Disease Diagnostic/ Recombinant DNA Technology

Topics included in this modules- Good Laboratory Practices (GLP), guidelines and basic principles of Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP), standard operating procedure (SOP) and calibration of Instruments, quality control (QC) and quality assurance (QA), In this module we learn how to isolate the genomic DNA from different samples with standard protocols (bacteria, plants leaf, blood etc), Qualitative analysis of genomic DNA (Agarose gel electrophoresis), Quantitative analysis of  genomic DNA (UV-VIS spectrophotometer), Isolation of RNA, Agarose gel electrophoresis of RNA, cDNA synthesis, Polymerase chain reaction (PCR), Types of PCR and application of PCR, Competent cell preparation, Restriction digestion, Ligation, Transformation, Blue white colony selection, Blotting techniques (Southern and northern) (T), Sequencing (T), Proteomics- Qualitative analysis of protein from different sourcesQuantitative analysis of protein by Lowry methodProtein extraction from different sourcesPreparation of SDS-PAGE Buffers and reagentsprocedure forSDS-PAGEStaining and destining of SDS-PAGE,Western blotting techniqueDirect Immuno enzymatic determination of thyrotropin/Hepatitis B in human serum through (ELISA) reader, RIA (T), Disease diagnosis- Introduction of Disease diagnosis, Detection of Plasmodium sp. Infection with PCR, Agarose gel electrophoresis of PCR product, Detection of TB infection with PCR technique, Agarose gel electrophoresis of PCR product and many more.

(E) Nano Biotechnology

Introduction about Nano-Biotechnology and its application, General and safety rules for working in Lab, Demonstration of instruments, Good laboratory practices (GLP), Basic concept of calculation (Percentage, Molarity and Normality), Micropipette handling (forward and reverse pipetting techniques), SOP of magnetic stirrer with hot plate, Different methods for the preparation of nanoparticles, Synthesis of Ag-nanoparticles/Cu-nanoparticles/Mg- nanoparticles through chemical reduction methods, Screening of Medicinal plants for green synthesis of nanoparticles, Green synthesis of Ag- nanoparticles/Cu- nanoparticles/ Mg- nanoparticles through different medicinal plants, Principle, SOP and application of spectrophotometer, characterization of different nanoparticles through UV-Vis spectroscopy scanning method, Different method for the detection of antimicrobial activity, Biological screening of different Nanoparticles (Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing (AST)/Antioxidant activity) and many  more.

(F) Animal and Stem cell culture

Introduction to Cell culture/Mammalian cell culture/ Stem cell culture. Overview of cell culture for vaccine production, therapeutic proteins, gene therapy and cancer research, Biosafety recommendation on the handling of Mammalian cell cultures, Primary Cell culture and its maintenance, Contamination in cell culture, Basics of Adherent vs Suspension culture, Trypsinization, passaging for suspension culture (Shake off and scraping), Sterilization of all chemicals and instruments, Collection of blood samples and Cryopreservation, Isolation of Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells (PBMC) by sucrose gradient centrifuge, Preparation of PBMC suspension, Washing of PBMC isolates, Primary culture of PBMC into cell culture media, Handling and maintenance of CO2 incubator, Total viable cell counts through hemocytometer, Subculture of PBMC into culture media, Cell viability assay using MTT/alamar blue, Basic concept of Labelling, Culture and Handling of mammalian cell culture and its maintenanceand many more.

(G) Instrumentation Techniques

General and safety rules for working in Lab, Demonstration of all instruments, Good laboratory practices, Aim, principle, SOP and Calibration of micropipette, reverse and forward pipetting; Aim, principle, SOP, Calibration and application of autoclave; Aim, principle, SOP, Calibration and application of of pH meter; Aim, principle, SOP and application of lactometer; Aim, principle, SOP and application of soxhlet apparatus, Aim, principle, SOP and application of clevenger apparatus; Aim, principle, SOP and application of TDS meter, Aim, principle, SOP and application of viscometer; Aim, principle, SOP and application of vortex mixer; Aim, principle, SOP, Calibration and application of LAF; Aim, principle, SOP, Calibration and application of centrifuge; Aim, principle, SOP, Calibration and application of UV-VIS Spectrophotometer; Aim, principle, SOP, Calibration and application of Agarose gel electrophoresis; Aim, principle, SOP, Calibration and application of SDS-PAGE; Aim, principle, SOP and application of Western blotting; Aim, principle, SOP and application of colony counter; Aim, principle, SOP and application of microscope; Aim, principle, SOP and application of PCR; Aim, principle, SOP, Calibration and application of Flame photometer; Aim, principle, SOP, Calibration and application of Karl Fischer titration; Aim, principle, SOP and application of ELISA; Aim, principle, SOP and application of Bioreactor/Fermentor; Aim, principle, SOP and application of CO2 Incubator; Aim, principle, SOP and application of RIA (T); Aim, principle, SOP and application of TLC, Column chromatography and HPLC (T) etc.

Course includes all the above-mentioned modules + Two Paper Publication in International/UGC Approved journal/ Peer-Reviewed Journal+ Project work (Optional)

Registration fee- 1000/-(Excludes Program Fee)
6 Months ₹ 49,000 1150$


  • All Life science post graduates, pursuing or passed out students can apply.

Note: GST additional as per applicable.

* Centre has all the right to change modules, as per availability of resources.