Rapture Biotech

Program Overview

Rapture Biotech’s short-term training program, offered by India’s No.1 Biotech Training Company, is a transformative opportunity for aspiring scientists. The program is designed on a one-module-per-week basis, allowing you to learn more in less time. With basic to advanced modules, you’ll gain in-depth knowledge and practical skills, setting you apart in the biotech field. Available across major cities like Noida, Chandigarh, Dehradun, Gwalior, Jaipur, Gujarat, Mumbai, Bengaluru, Chennai, Hyderabad, and Jammu, this training empowers the next generation of biotech innovators.

BASIC TECHNICAL MODULES (Fundamental Training)

Bioinformatics (Module 1)

1. Introduction of bioinformatics, Application of bioinformatics.
2. Scope of bioinformatics, Uses & Importance of bioinformatics.
3. Sequence database similarity searching tools: FASTA.
5. Multiple sequence alignment tool: ClustalW.
6. Primary & secondary analysis of protein.
7. Introduction of Biological databases: Primary databases & Secondary databases, Sequence databases (GenBank, EMBL, DDBJ), Protein structure, classification and family databases (PDB, CATH, SCOP, Pfam, PIR, PROSITRE, Swiss-Prot).
8. Detailed Understanding of Phylogenetic Analysis.
(Available at– NOIDA, Ahmedabad, Mumbai, Mohali, Chennai, Hyderabad, Jaipur, Dehradun, Gwalior and Bengaluru)

Microbiology (Module 2)

1. Basic of Microbiology.
2. Good laboratory practices (GLP).
3. Concept of basic calculation.
4. Basic principles, standard operating procedure (SOP), and application of instruments.
5. Different types of culture media.
6. Difference between gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria.
7. Serial Dilution techniques.
8. Isolation of bacteria from the soil sample.
9. Isolation of pure bacterial colonies.
10. Gram staining technique for bacteria.
11. Motility check with hanging drop method.
12. Lactophenol Cotton Blue (LPCB) staining for fungus.
13. Methylene Blue Reductase Test in milk.
(Available at– NOIDA, Ahmedabad, Mumbai, Mohali, Chennai, Hyderabad, Jaipur, Dehradun, Gwalior and Bengaluru)

Molecular Techniques (Module 3)

1. Basic of Molecular Biology.
2. Good laboratory practices (GLP).
3. Overview of genomic DNA.
4. Basic instrument handling.
5. Basic concept of Percentage,Molarity and Normality.
6. Micropipette handling (forward and reverse pipetting techniques).
7. Principal, SOP, and application of spectrophotometer.
8. Extraction of genomic DNA from Onion/Banana.
9. Extraction of genomic DNA from Bacteria.
10. Extraction of genomic DNA from Plants.
11. Qualitative Analysis of DNA-Agarose Gel Electrophoresis.
12. Quantitative Estimation of the DNA through UV-VIS spectrophotometer.
(Available at– NOIDA, Ahmedabad, Mumbai, Mohali, Chennai, Hyderabad, Jaipur, Dehradun, Gwalior and Bengaluru)

Natural Product Research (Module 4)

1. Basic concepts of Natural Product Research.
2. General and safety rules for working in the Lab.
3. Concept of basic calculation.
4. Preparation of standardized extracts through maceration.
5. Introduction about phytochemicals.
6. Qualitative Phytochemical analysis (saponin, tannin, flavonoids, and alkaloids) of herbal extracts.
7. Types of culture media, Media preparation, and antimicrobial susceptibility tests (AST) of plant extracts against bacteria.
8. Basic concept of Minimum Inhibitory Concentration test (MIC).
9. Basics of chromatography.
10. Thin layer chromatography (TLC) of crude extracts.
11. Antioxidant Potential analysis of Bioactive extracts.
(Available at– NOIDA, Ahmedabad, Mumbai, Mohali, Chennai, Hyderabad, Jaipur, Dehradun, Gwalior and Bengaluru)

Food Technology (Module 5)

1. Basic of food technology and FSSAI.
2. Good laboratory practices (GLP).
3. Demonstration of instruments.
4. Concept of basic calculation.
5. Micropipette handling (forward and reverse pipetting techniques).
6. To extract caffeine using the polar-nonpolar solvent extraction technique and its confirmatory test.
7. Quality analysis of different Fruit Juices (pH, total moisture, solid content).
8. Adulterant analysis in different brands of milk (Starch test, water test, formalin test and soap test).
9. Spectrophotometric Quantification of carbohydrates in different food samples.
10. Quality analysis of turmeric powder (Metanil yellow, yellow lead salt, and starch test).
11. Basic concept of chromatography, Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC).
(Available at– NOIDA, Ahmedabad, Mumbai, Mohali, Chennai, Hyderabad, Jaipur, Dehradun, Gwalior and Bengaluru)

Biochemistry (Module 6)

1. Basic of Biochemistry.
2. Good laboratory practices (GLP).
3. Micropipette handling (forward and reverse pipetting techniques).
4. To perform the isoelectric precipitation of casein, present in milk.
5. To Estimate the Saponification value in fats/oils.
6. Analysis of lactose by mucic test and microscopic view of mucic acid crystals.
7. Biuretic reaction for detection of peptide bond.
8. Principle of DNS reagent.
9. Principle, SOP and application of spectrophotometer.
10. Quantitative estimation of Carbohydrates by DNS Method.
11. standard graph preparation and data interpretation.
12. Qualitative analysis of carbohydrates.
(Available at– NOIDA, Ahmedabad, Mumbai, Mohali, Chennai, Hyderabad, Jaipur, Dehradun, Gwalior and Bengaluru)

* (T) Stands for theory


Registration Fee- 1000/-(Excludes Program Fee)
Duration Indian candidates International Candidate ELIGIBILITY
7 day ₹ 3,000 (Any one module) 70$ All Life science students, Graduates or post graduates, pursuing or passed out students can apply.
15 day ₹ 4,000 (Any two module) 100$ PhD scholars, College faculties, working professionals can also apply
21 day ₹ 5,500 (Any three module) 130$
30 day ₹ 7,000 (Any four module) 170$
45 day ₹ 9,000 (Any six module) 210$

Batch Timings: 10:00 A.M- 2:30 P.M (Morning) & 2:00 P.M - 6:30 P.M (Evening). Batch starts from every Monday, enrolled students can join from any Monday.

Note: GST additional as per applicable.
Note: Trainee may opt any above module on 1 week 1 module basis, as per interest.
* Centre has all the right to change modules, as per availability of resources..


Bioinformatics & Computational Biology (Module 1)

1. Fundamentals of Bioinformatics (Introduction, origin, history & scope of Bioinformatics).
2. Importance & uses of Bioinformatics and application of Bioinformatics).
3. Conceptual understanding of structural Bioinformatics & molecular Bioinformatics.
4. Major databases in Bioinformatics.
5. Sequence database similarity searching tools: FASTA, BLAST (BLASTP, BLASTN, BLASTX, TBLASTX, TBLASTN).
6. Primer Designing (Theory + Practical).
7. Primary & secondary analysis of protein.
8. Physical & chemical parameter analysis of protein.
9. Detailed understanding of Homology Modelling.
10. Concept of Molecular Docking (Drug Designing), Concept of MD Simulation, Software & tools of MD simulation.
11. Concept of sequencing: (Genome sequencing & Transcriptome sequencing).
12. Detailed understanding of NGS analysis (Concept of Quality Control, Concept of Alignment & Assembly.
13. Concept of DEGs analysis & Tools of NGS analysis).
(Available at– NOIDA, Ahmedabad, Mumbai, Mohali, Hyderabad, Jaipur, Dehradun,Gwalior and Bengaluru)

Mammalian Cell Culture (Module 2)

1. Introduction to Cell culture/ Mammalian cell culture/ Stem cell culture.
2. Overview of Cell culture for vaccine production.
3. Therapeutic proteins, gene therapy, and cancer research.
4. Biosafety recommendation on the handling of Mammalian cell cultures.
5. Primary Cell culture and its maintenance.
6. Contamination in cell culture.
7. Basics of Adherent vs Suspension culture, Trypsinization, passaging for suspension culture (Shake off and scraping).
8. Sterilization of all chemicals and instruments.
9. Collection of blood samples.
10. Isolation of Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells (PBMC) by sucrose gradient centrifuge.
11. Preparation of PBMC suspension.
12. Washing of PBMC isolates.
13. Primary culture of PBMC into cell culture media.
14. Handling and maintenance of CO2 incubator.
15. Total viable cell counts through hemocytometer.
16. Subculture of PBMC into culture media.
17. Cell viability assay using MTT/alamar blue.
18. Basic concept of Labelling and Cryopreservation.
19. Culture and Handling of Mammalian cell culture and its maintenance.
(Available at– NOIDA, Mumbai, Mohali, Hyderabad and Bengaluru)

Cell & Molecular Biology (Module 3)

1. Introduction and scope of Cell and Molecular Biology.
2. General and safety rules for working in the Lab.
3. Demonstration of module-oriented instruments.
4. Basic concept of percentage, molarity, and normality.
5. Principle-SOP and application of spectrophotometer.
6. Composition of buffers (TAE and TBE).
7. Overview of differential leukocyte cells.
8. Preparation of blood smear and differential staining of blood cells.
9. Genomic DNA/RNA isolation from plants.
10. Genomic DNA/RNA isolation from bacteria.
11. Preparation of product labels.
12. Basic concept for preparation of Tank buffer (TBE/TAE) – 6X loading dye and ETBr solution.
13. Introduction and application of electrophoresis.
14. Genomic DNA isolation from Hair/Nail/Blood.
15. Qualitative analysis of DNA/RNA through Agarose Gel Electrophoresis.
16. Genomic DNA quantification & purity check through UV-VIS spectrophotometer.
17. Overview of PCR and Development of PCR assay.
18. Performance of PCR in thermal cycler.
19. Types of PCR (RT-PCR, Gradient PCR, Nested PCR, and its application) (T).
(Available at– NOIDA, Ahmedabad, Mumbai, Mohali, Chennai, Hyderabad, Jaipur, Dehradun,Gwalior and Bengaluru)

Medical & Clinical Microbiology (Module 4)

1. Introduction to medical and clinical microbiology.
2. Overview and types of Sterilization techniques.
3. Basic principle, standard operating procedure (SOP).
4. Application of instruments (Autoclave, pH meter, Laminar air flow, incubator, microscope, and colony counter).
5. Classification of bacteria based on Gram staining.
6. Concept of basic calculation and General and safety rules for working in the Lab.
7. Knowledge about BSL Labs and Classification.
8. Types of media and solution preparation.
9. Preparation and sterilization of selective media (EMB/ MSA/ MacConkey agar etc.).
10. Isolation of pathogenic bacteria (Salmonella sp. Staphylococcus sp. Enterococcus sp. Proteus sp., E. coli, etc).
11. Inoculation of pathogenic bacteria into nutrient broth medium.
12. Different methods for the detection of antimicrobial activity.
13. Basic concept of positive and negative controls.
14. Antimicrobial activity test against isolated pathogenic bacteria by disc diffusion method.
15. Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) via Agar diffusion method.
16. Minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) through Broth dilution method.
(Available at– NOIDA, Ahmedabad, Mumbai, Mohali, Chennai, Hyderabad, Jaipur, Dehradun, Gwalior and Bengaluru)

Genomics & Recombinant DNA Technology (RDT) (Module 5)

1. Introduction of Recombinant DNA Technology.
2. Application ofRecombinant DNA Technology.
3. Recent trends and future perspectives in RDT.
4. Good laboratory practices (GLP).
5. Basic instrument handling.
6. Concept of basic calculation (Percentage, Molarity and Normality)
7. Micropipette handling (forward and reverse pipetting techniques).
8. Competent cell preparation.
9. Introduction about ligation, T4 DNA Ligation of λ DNA by HindIII restriction enzyme.
10. Overview of Agarose gel electrophoresis.
11. Basic concept of Tank buffer (TBE/TAE) – 6X loading dye and ETBr solution.
12. Observe the efficiency of the ligation reaction through Agarose gel electrophoresis.
13. Overview of Transformation, Transformation of ligated DNA.
14. learn restriction-digestion technique (Plasmid DNA cut with EcoR1 andHindIII).
15. Agarose gel electrophoresis of digested plasmid DNA.
16. Basic concept of DNA fingerprinting by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) and Blue-white screening.
(Available at– NOIDA, Ahmedabad, Mumbai, Mohali, Chennai, Hyderabad, Jaipur, Dehradun, and Gwalior)

Proteomics (Module 6)

1. Introduction and application of proteomics.
2. Good laboratory practices (GLP).
3. Basic instrument handling.
4. Concept of basic calculation (percentage, molarity, and normality).
5. Reagent preparation and Micropipette handling (forward and reverse pipetting techniques).
6. Different basic tests for protein analysis.
7. Screening of protein-rich sources for protein estimation.
8. Principle, Standard operating procedure (SOP) and application of spectrophotometer.
9. Estimation of protein through UV-visible spectroscopy.
10. Standard Curve preparation and Data Interpretation.
11. Extraction of protein from different sources.
12. Different methods of protein precipitation.
13. Basic concept of reagents preparation for SDS-PAGE- Stacking gel – running gel – sample loading dye – tank buffer- Staining solution – destaining solution.
14. Protein separation through Vertical gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) technique.
15. Concept of staining and destaining technique in SDS-PAGE.
16. Staining and distaining of SDS-PAGE gel and observation.
17. Overview of protein analysis by Western blotting technique and the difference between SDS-PAGE, Native PAGE and 2D PAGE.
(Available at– NOIDA, Ahmedabad, Mumbai, Mohali, Hyderabad, Jaipur, Dehradun,Gwalior and Bengaluru)

Diabetes Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) Mutation Analysis (Module 7)

1. Introduction and scope of Molecular Biology.
2. Overview of genomic DNA extraction.
3. Bio-safety rules for working in a clinical lab.
4. Demonstration of module-oriented instruments.
5. Basic concept of Molecular biology mathematics.
6. Concept of Applied Molecular Biology.
7. Basic handling and disposal of potential infectious/ clinical waste.
8. Genomic DNA extraction from Blood.
9. DNA sample quantification and qualitative analysis.
10. Difference between Single Nucleotide Polymorphism and Mutations (Basic concept).
11. Genetic risk factors for Diabetes and Molecular diagnostics.
12. SNP Polymerase Chain Reaction (SNP-PCR).
13. SNP – PCR Amplicon gel electrophoresis.
14. Data compilation, recording and interpretation.
15. SNP analysis: Programs for prediction of Single Nucleotide Polymorphism effects.
(Available at– NOIDA, Ahmedabad, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Jaipur, and Dehradun)

Enzyme & Microbial Technology(Module 8)

1. Introductionand application of enzymology.
2. Enzyme market size & major companies in India.
3. Good laboratory practices (GLP).
4. Basic instrument handling. Micropipette handling (forward or reverse pipetting techniques).
5. Concept of basic calculation of percentage, molarity, and normality.
6. Classification of media and solution preparation.
7. Principle-standard operation procedure and application of instruments (pH meter, autoclave, colony counter, and laminar airflow).
8. Screening of microbes producing extracellular hydrolytic enzymes (Amylase/Protease/Lipase/Tannase
etc.) from different source (soil/water/industrial effluent etc).
9. Subculturing of enzyme producing bacteria on culture media.
10. Preparation of seed culture for fermentation media.
11. Overview of fermentation and amylase enzyme.
12. Preparation of fermentation media for amylase enzyme.
13. Production of enzyme using submerged fermentation method (for amylase enzyme).
14. Extraction of crude amylase enzyme.
15. Determination of amylase enzyme activity using biochemical test.
16. Enzyme/cell immobilization technique through sodium alginate and calcium chloride method.
(Available at– NOIDA, Ahmedabad, Mumbai, Mohali, Chennai, Hyderabad, Jaipur, Dehradun, Gwalior and Bengaluru)

Food Microbiology (Module 9)

1. Introduction to food microbiology and Microbial limit test (MLT).
2. Good laboratory practices (GLP).
3. Basic instrument handling and micropipette handling (forward and reverse pipetting techniques).
4. Application and calibration/validation (Autoclave, pH meter, Laminar air flow, colony counter, incubator, and microscope).
5. Review of microbiological logbook entries.
6. Concept of basic calculation (percentage, molarity, and normality).
7. Types of media, and Solution preparation.
8. Overview and types of Sterilization techniques.
9. Classification of bacteria based on Gram staining.
10. Classification of media and solution prepration, overview and types of sterilization techniques.
11. Classification of bacterial based on Gram staining.
12. Preparation of solid media for Diarrhea-causing bacteria.
13. Screening of Diarrhea-causing bacteria on selective media from spoiled food samples.
14. Introduction about streaking and subculturing.
15. Streaking technique used for isolation of bacteria.
16. Characterization of Diarrhea causing bacteria by staining technique.
17. Basics of biochemical test.
18. Identification of isolates using different biochemical test (Indole test/ Citrate test/ Urease test etc.).
19. Antimicrobial susceptibility test against Diarrhea causing bacteria.
20. Methylene Blue Reductase Test (MBRT) in milk.
(Available at– NOIDA, Ahmedabad, Mumbai, Mohali, Chennai, Hyderabad, Jaipur, Dehradun,Gwalior and Bengaluru)

Biochemistry & Immunology (Module 10)

1. Introduction to Biochemistry.
2. Good laboratory practices (GLP).
3. Difference between antigen-antibody.
4. Types of antibodies, and basic instrument handling.
5. Laboratory calculation (Percentage, Molarity and Normality).
6. Micropipette handling (Reverse and Forward pipetting).
7. Standard operating procedure (SOP) and application of different instruments (pH meter and spectrophotometer).
8. Measurement of рН of biological liquids with universal indicator paper.
9. Qualitative determination of Vitamin (A/C/D).
10. Biuretic reaction for detection of peptide bond.
11. Qualitative test for the presence of carbohydrates (Molisch/ Tollen’s/ Fehling test).
12. Quantitative determination of vitamin Р in the different samples via UV-VIS Spectrophotometer.
13. Determination of alpha-Amylase activity (Serum/Saliva) on Starch.
14. Components of blood.
15. Bleeding time calculation.
16. Clotting time estimation.
17. Separation of Serum from human blood.
18. Basic concept of antigen and antibody.
19. Overview of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA).
20. Direct Immuno enzymatic determination of thyrotropin/Hepatitis B in human serum through ELISA reader.
21. Scientific approaches of ELISA and RIA technique.
(Available at– NOIDA, Mumbai, Mohali, Chennai, Hyderabad, Jaipur,Dehradun and Bengaluru)

Applied Industrial Microbiology (Module 11)

1. Industrial microbiology application & major products.
2. Major companies in India, Scope & job prospects.
3. Good laboratory practices (GLP).
4. Demonstration of module-oriented instruments.
5. Different types of sterilization techniques in microbiology
6. Basic principle -standard operating procedure (SOP) and application of instruments (Autoclave, pH meter, Laminar air flow, incubator, microscope, and colony counter).
7. Classification of bacteria based on Gram staining.
8. Types of media and Solution preparation.
9. Laboratory calculation (Percentage, Normality and Molarity).
10. Overview of serial dilutionand Serial dilution of soil sample.
11. Basic calculation of Colony Forming Unit – CFU/ml.
12. Screening of Antibiotics producing microorganisms from soil samples.
13. Identification of antibiotics producing microorganisms from soil samples using microbial staining methods.
14. Biochemical assay for bacteria (Maylase/ Urease/ Dextrose/ Catalase etc.)
15. Different methods for the detection of antimicrobial activity.
16. Antibiotic activity of antibiotics by disc diffusion method.
(Available at– NOIDA, Ahmedabad, Mumbai, Mohali, Chennai, Hyderabad, Jaipur, Dehradun, and Gwalior and Bengaluru)

Molecular Diagnostics and Laboratory Management Information System (Module 12)

1. Introduction to Clinical environment.
2. Clinical sample collection, and sample entry.
3. Blood sample collection.
4. Hospital Information Management System (HMIS)-features and functionalities.
5. Sample storage and management.
6. Differential staining of blood cells.
7. Haemoglobin estimation from collected sample.
8. Blood DNA isolation.
9. DNA quantification by Gel electrophoresis.
10. PCR Basics and concept.
11. Molecular diagnostic PCR from isolated Blood DNA Sample.
12. Results analysis and interpretation.
13. Clinical Data Management-Basics.
14. Advanced molecular diagnostics techniques: PCR and RT-PCR (T).
(Available at– NOIDA, Ahmedabad, Mumbai, Mohali, Chennai, Hyderabad, Jaipur, Dehradun and Bengaluru)

Mathematics for Molecular Biologists and Medicine personnel(Module 13)

1. Introduction to Laboratory Math and its importance.
2. Understanding Metric systems and conversions.
3. Molecular Calculations: Concentrations, Molarity, Normality, Ratios, v/w, v/v).
4. Buffer preparations.
5. Working with stock solutions.
6. Culture Media preparations: Cell Biology & Microbiology.
7. pH adjustments.
8. Sterilization of Biological solutions.
9. Storage and management of Culture media.
10. Handling biological samples.
11. Preparation of Standard curves for biological assays.
12. Estimation of Proteins/ Carbohydrates/ Enzymes in samples.
13. Result interpretations.
(Available at– NOIDA, Ahmedabad, Mumbai, Mohali, Chennai, Hyderabad, Jaipur, Dehradun and Bengaluru)

Juice and Soft drinks - Quality analysis & control skill (Module 14)

1. Introduction about juices and soft drinks.
2. Types of beverages.
3. General and safety rules for working in Lab.
4. Micropipette handling (forward and reverse pipetting techniques).
5. Demonstration of instruments.
6. Classification of media used in microbiology.
7. Basic concept of pH meter.
8. Principle-Standard operating procedure and application of autoclave.
9. Screening of microbial contamination and analysis of pH in different juices/soft drinks.
10. Vitamin C content analysis in fresh juice sample via titration method.
11. Acidity in different juices/soft drinks.
12. Introduction and benefits of antioxidant.
13. Estimation of antioxidant potential from different juices/soft drinks/non-alcoholic beverages.
14. Principle-Standard operating procedure and application of Refractometer.
15. Sugar content estimation through Refractometer.
16. Quantitative estimation of proteins and data interpretation.
17. Sodium benzoate analysis in soft drinks.
(Available at– NOIDA, Ahmedabad, Mumbai, Mohali, Chennai, Hyderabad, Jaipur, Dehradun, Gwalior and Bengaluru)

Dairy Technology- quality analysis and control skill (Module 15)

1. Introduction to dairy technology.
2. Overview of Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI).
3. Concept of basic calculation (percentage, molarity, and normality) and reagent preparation.
4. Micropipette handling (forward or reverse pipetting techniques).
5. Standard operating procedure and application of hot air oven.
6. Determination of Moisture from food samples.
7. Acid value, fat content, Coal tar dyes and total solid in milk/curd.
8. Determination of moisture, fat, and salt in butter.
9. Iso-electric precipitation of Casein.
10. Introduction and harmful effects of adulterant in milk.
11. Adulterant analysis (Urea/Sulphate/Formalin/Hydrogen peroxide/Anionic Detergent, etc) in milk.
12. Solubility percentage of milk powder.
13. Methylene blue reductase test (MBRT) in milk sample.
14. Specific gravity test by lactometer /hydrometer.
15. Introduction about Saccharine.
16. Adulteration of saccharine in different jam/ jelly/ Chewing gum/ice cream products.
(Available at– NOIDA, Ahmedabad, Mumbai, Mohali, Chennai, Hyderabad, Jaipur, Dehradun, Gwalior and Bengaluru)

Probiotics Beverages Development(Module 16)

1. Introduction to probiotics and prebiotics.
2. Benefits of probiotic bacteria to human health.
3. Good laboratory practices (GLP).
4. Micropipette handling (forward and reverse pipetting techniques.
5. Basic instrument handling.
6. Concept of basic calculation (Percentage, molarity, and normality).
7. Overview of media preparation.
8. Different types of sterilization in microbiology
9. Preparation of De Man, Rogosa, and Sharpe (MRS) media.
10. Difference between spreading and streaking techniques.
11. Isolation of probiotics bacteria from curd/yogurt/pickle via specialized enriched media.
12. Bacteria classification according to gram staining.
13. Characterization of probiotic isolates using Gram’s staining and Biochemical analysis (lactose/sucrose/dextrose/d-mannitol-acid secretion/ indole test/ protease test etc).
14. Preparation of starter culture.
15. Preparation of probiotic fruit beverage.
16. Physicochemical analysis of probiotics health drink (pH, protein, and carbohydrate).
(Available at– NOIDA, Ahmedabad, Mumbai, Mohali, Chennai, Hyderabad, Jaipur, Dehradun,Gwalior and Bengaluru)

Formulations of Vegan Products and its sensory and nutritional evaluation (Module 17)

1. Introduction to Vegan concept, Basic concept of calculation.
2. Micropipette handling (Reverse and Forward pipetting).
3. Principle – Standard operating procedure and application of different instruments (Autoclave, Laminar air flow and pH meter).
4. Vegan milk preparation (Soy/ Almond/ Groundnut/ Cashews/ Coconut).
5. Vegan yogurt preparation: Selection of probiotic microbial species.
6. Preparation of Inoculums.
7. Product formulation and flavour selection.
8. Sensory analysis of Vegan Yoghurt by 9-point Hedonic scale analysis.
9. Nutritional analysis of Vegan Yoghurt (pH/ Acidity/ Moisture/ Total solids/ Carbohydrate/ Proteins.
10. Quantitative analysis of Proteins or Carbohydrates in formulated Vegan products.
(Available at– NOIDA, Ahmedabad, Mumbai, Mohali, Chennai, Hyderabad, Jaipur,Dehradun and Bengaluru)

Bioprocess Engineering & Fermentation Technology (Module 18)

1. Introduction to Fermentation.
2. Future Prospects in fermentation technology.
3. Overview of upstream and downstream process.
4. Precaution for maintenance and use of fermenter.
5. General and safety rules for working in theLab.
6. Demonstration of instruments.
7. Concept of basic calculation (percentage, molarity, and normality).
8. Micropipette handling (forward and reverse pipetting techniques).
9. Overview of media preparation.
10. Isolation and identification of citric acid-producingmicroorganisms (Bacteria/Fungi) from the soil sample.
11. Preparation and sterilization of fermentation media.
12. Operation process of Fermenter.
13. Production of citric acid by submerged fermentation methods.
14. Qualitative analysis of citric acid by titrimetric method.
15. Basic concept of wine production parameter analysis by different physicochemical methods.
16. Wine production from different fruit juices.
17. Principle-standard operating procedure and application of spectrophotometer.
18. Estimation of ethanol by potassium dichromate method through UV-VIS spectrophotometer.
19. Standard Curve preparation and Data Interpretation.
(Available at– NOIDA, Ahmedabad, Mumbai, Mohali, Chennai, Hyderabad, Jaipur,Dehradun and Bengaluru)

Wastewater testing & Quality Analysis (Module 19)

1. Introduction of wastewater management and quality analysis.
2. Good laboratory practices (GLP).
3. Micropipette handling (forward and reverse pipetting techniques).
4. Classification of Culture media.
5. Overview of sterilization technique.
6. Detection of pathogenic microbial contamination in drinking water.
7. Determination of total suspended solids (TSS) from industrial wastewater.
8. Principle, SOP and application of pH and TDS meter.
9. Determination of pH and TDS on drinking water through digital pH and TDS meter respectively.
10. Scrutinization of water conductivity through digital conductivity meter.
11. Different types of titrations.
12. Total Hardness test of household water through titration methods.
13. Alkalinity test of water through titration methods.
14. Determination of dissolved oxygen through digital dissolved oxygen meter.
15. Analysis of water salinity through salinity meter/refractometer.
16. Principle, SOP and application of spectrophotometer.
17. Quantitative assay of sulphate in drinking water through UV- visible spectrophotometer/Determine the free chloride/ Carbonate ions in water.
(Available at– NOIDA, Mumbai, Mohali, Chennai, Hyderabad, Jaipur, Dehradun,Gwalior and Bengaluru)

Nano Biotechnology (Module 20)

1. Introduction about Nano-Biotechnology and its application.
2. General and safety rules for working in Lab.
3. Demonstration of instruments.
4. Good laboratory practices (GLP).
5. Basic concept of calculation (Percentage, Molarity and Normality).
6. Micropipette handling (forward and reverse pipetting techniques).
7. SOP of magnetic stirrer with hot plate.
8. Different methods for the preparation of nanoparticles.
9. Synthesis of Ag-nanoparticles/Cu-nanoparticles/Mg- nanoparticles through chemical reduction methods.
10. Screening of Medicinal plants for green synthesis of nanoparticles.
11. Screening of medicinal plants for green synthesis of Nanoparticals.
12. Green synthesis of Ag- nanoparticles/Cu- nanoparticles/ Mg- nanoparticles through different medicinal plants.
13. Principle, SOP and application of spectrophotometer.
14. Characterization of different nanoparticles through UV-VIS spectroscopy scanning method.
15. Different method for the detection of antimicrobial activity.
16. Biological screening of different Nanoparticles (Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing (AST)/Antioxidant activity).
(Available at– NOIDA, Ahmedabad, Mumbai, Mohali, Chennai, Hyderabad, Jaipur, Dehradun, Gwalior and Bengaluru)

Herbal Drug Formulation and Biocosmetic development (Module 21)

1. Introduction of Herbal Drug formulation and biocosmetic.
2. Basic concept of calculation (Percentage, Molarity and Normality)
3. Micropipette handling (Reverse and Forward pipetting).
4. Principle – Standard operating procedure and application of different instruments (Autoclave, Laminar air flow and pH meter).
5. Basic knowledge about Types of extraction.
6. Standard procedure of extract preparation by Maceration/Decoction/Soxhlet method.
7. Introduction about phytochemicals, Quantitative estimation of Phenolic/Carbohydrates/Protein through UV-Visible spectrophotometer.
8. Standard Curve preparation and Data Interpretation.
9. Knowledge about types of culture media.
10. Different methods for the detection of antimicrobial activity,
11. Antimicrobial susceptibility testing (AST) of plant extract against pathogenic bacteria through Disc diffusion/ Well diffusion method,
12. Basic concept of Synergistic and antagonistic effect of herbal drug.
13. Overview of chromatography.
14. Separation of different phytochemicals through TLC (Thin layer chromatography).
15. Basic concept of Purification of herbal extract by Column chromatography.
16. IC-50 values for antioxidant activity of Plant extracts.
17. Herbal product formulation development (Lip balm/Scrubs/Moisturizer cream/Hand sanitizer/Soap).
18. Validation of herbal product at different parameters (pH, skin irritation, self-life etc).
(Available at– NOIDA, Ahmedabad, Mumbai, Mohali, Chennai, Hyderabad, Jaipur, Dehradun, Gwalior and Bengaluru)

Food Industries - Quality analysis and Control Skills (Module 22)

1. Introduction to food industries.
2. Overview of adulteration and its disadvantages.
3. Knowledge about FSSAI/ HACCP/ CCP/ ISO-22000.
4. General and safety rules for working in Lab.
5. Food raw materials inspection and rejection criteria.
6. Demonstration of instruments, Micropipette handling (forward and reverse pipetting techniques).
7. Determination of moisture and ash value.
8. Quality and adulteration analysis of different brands of milk.
9. Overview of gluten, Presence of gluten in different brands of flours.
10. Difference between artificial and natural colouring agents.
11. Detection of Artificial colouring agent in vegetables.
12. Emulsion test for lipid.
13. Presence of synthetic and natural caramel in chocolates and candies via Seliwanoff’s test.
14. Quantification of protein in different food samples through UV-VIS spectrophotometer.
15. Determination of calcium, iron & Reducing sugar in different food products.
16. Extraction and analysis of caffeine from tea/coffee and its confirmatory test.
17. Introduction of chicory.
18. Determination of chicory in coffee.
19. Different adulterants in red chili powder and its analysis (rhodamine B, oil soluble colour and brick powder).
20. Quality analysis of turmeric powder (metanil yellow, yellow led salt, starch test).
21. Application of instruments (HPLC, GC-MS, LC-MS AAS, NMR, FTIR, ICP-MS) in food industries (T).
(Available at– NOIDA, Ahmedabad, Mumbai, Mohali, Chennai, Hyderabad, Jaipur, Dehradun, Gwalior Bengaluru)

For module no. 2 [Animal cell culture] Rs. 3,500 additional on the above payment

*(T) Stands for theory


Registration Fee- 1000/-(Excludes Program Fee)
Duration Indian candidates International Candidate ELIGIBILITY
7 day ₹ 4,000 (Any one module) 100$ All Life science students, Graduates or post graduates, pursuing or passed out students can apply.
15 day ₹ 5,000 (Any two module) 120$ PhD scholars, College faculties, working professionals can also apply
21 day ₹ 7,500 (Any three module) 180$
30 day ₹ 10,000 (Any four module) 240$
45 day ₹ 15,000 (Any six module) 350$
2 Months ₹ 17,000 400$
3 Months ₹ 21,000 520$

Batch Timings: 10:00 A.M- 2:30 P.M (Morning) & 2:00 P.M - 6:30 P.M (Evening) Batch starts from every Monday, enrolled students can join from any Monday.

Note: GST additional as per applicable.
Trainee may opt any above module on 1 week 1 module basis, as per interest.
*Centre has all the right to change modules, as per availability. 

Industrial Technical Module

Proteomics & Genomics (Module 1)

Proteomics- Introduction of proteomics, future prospects, Standard operating procedure (SOP), Principle and Handling of laboratory equipment, Basic chemical calculations, Reagent preparation, separation of amino acids by Thin Layer Chromatography, qualitative analysis of protein from different samples (pulses, plant sample, food samples etc.), quantitative analysis of protein from different samples (pulses, plant sample, food samples etc.) with the help of spectrophotometer, standard graph preparation and data interpretation, extraction of protein from different pulses, extraction of protein from different plant samples, extraction of protein from different food samples, analysis of protein in SDS-PAGE, Dialysis, western blotting, purification of protein by chromatography (T).

Genomics:- Introduction of genomics, future prospects, Standard operating procedure (SOP), Principle and Handling of laboratory equipment, Basic chemical calculations, Reagent preparation, Isolation of DNA from plant sources, Isolation of DNA bacterial sources, isolation of DNA from human samples, Quantification of DNA with spectrophotometer, Agarose gel electrophoresis of isolated DNA, Fundamentals of PCR techniques and its scope, Hot-start PCR, Nested PCR, Multiplex PCR, RT-PCR, Agarose Gel Electrophoresis of PCR product, Gel documentation, data analysis and interpretation, competent cell preparation, restriction and digestion of plasmid, Ligation, Blue-White colony selection, rDNA Transformation and its screening.

Food Technology and Probiotic Development (Module 2)

Food technology sector in India, Major companies & market size, Job prospects in India, Introduction about probiotics and prebiotics, benefits of probiotic bacteria for human health, Good laboratory practices (GLP), Standard operating procedure (SOP), Principle and Handling of laboratory equipments, Basic chemical calculations, Isolation of probiotics bacteria from yakult, Isolation of probiotics bacteria from yogurt, Isolation of probiotics bacteria from curd, Identification of bacteria by Gram staining method and Biochemical analysis: MR-VP test, Urease test, Citrate test, Catalase test etc, Characterization at different parameter: Carbohydrate, Nitrogen source, pH. Preparation of probiotic health drink from different fruit juices.

Dairy Industry:- Preparation of Milk sample, Quality analysis of different milk samples, Detection of Adulterants in Milk (Cellulose, Urea, Formaline, Water Sodium Chloride, sulphates etc)Preparation of Cream sample, Determination of Fat in Cream, Detection of Presence of Thickeners in Cream, Preparation of Curd Sample, Determination of Total Solids in curd, Preparation of Channa/Paneer Sample, Determination of Moisture in Channa/Paneer, Preparation of Ice Cream Sample, Determination of Protein in Ice Cream, Preparation of Sample of Khoa, Determination of Starch in Milk, Detection of Sucrose in Khoa.

Bakery Industry:-Preparation of Flour sample, Determination of Moisture, Determination of Total Ash, Determination of ash insoluble in dil HCl, Determination of Gluten, Determination of alcoholic acidity, microscopic structure of Cereal Starches such as Wheat starch, Rice Starch, Arrowroot starch, Tapioca Starch, Preparation of Biscuits sample, Determination of moisture, Determination of acidity in extracted fat.

Beverage Industry:- Preparation of Beer sample, Distillation method (for products containing high volatile acids), Determination of residue on evaporation, Determination of volatile acidity, Preparation of sample of Brandy, Determination of Total acidity, Determination of Esters, Determination of Tannins.

Confectionary Industry:- Microbiological analysis (Coliform count, Yeast, E. coli, S. aureus, Shigella spp, Clostridium botwlinum) in fruit pulps, Determination of moisture in soup powders, Determination of TSS, Titrable acidity in pulps/purees/Ketchup.

Drug Designing and Development (Module 3)

Structural biology for drug development and parameters. Databases and In Silico tools for drug designing: Chemical structure databases in drug discovery, chemical and biological information databases. Target discovery and validation: Ligand and structure-based drug designing: a) Ligand-based drug design, b) Structure determination and c) Structure-based drug design (LigBuilder). Molecular docking (Zdock, Hexdoc and Autodock) and virtual screening: PubChem substance and compound databases, BindingDB, ChEMBL, ZINC–a free database for virtual screening, DrugBank, The Protein Data Bank. QSAR analysis and Pharmacophore modeling: Pharmacophore modeling and quantitative structure-activity relationship analysis, pharmacophore features, prediction of mode of binding using pharmacophore modeling, quantitative structure–activity relationship (QSAR). Computer-Aided Drug Design of bioactive natural product and computational identification of bioactive natural products by structure activity relationship. Pharmacokinetics Studies and Drug Delivery: Pharmacokinetic parameters, drug absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion studies.

Hands on analysis- In Silico drug desiging and structural Characterization with chosen ligands and targets. (Bioinformatics).

Wet Lab experiments- Isolation and Characterization of natural medicine and its antimicrobial activity. (Wet lab Experiments)

Industrial Bioinformatics and Structural Biology (Module 4)

Introduction of molecular biology, chemical biology and structure biology, Chemical biology databases, Searching biological data, macromolecular structures, Tools for similarity search and alignments: FASTA, BLAST and other program (DNA, RNA and Protein), Introduction to Phylogenic Studies and Clustal W. Structure prediction (secondary and tertiary): Mfold, RNA fold, Ifold, PDB. Protein structure: prediction PDB, PDBe: Exploring a Protein Data Bank (PDB) entry and Protein structure alignment. Structural visualization, structure classification, structural alignment and analysis (Chime, Rasmol, SWISS-PDB viewer and Protein explorer. Concept of homology modeling and molecular docking (Zdock, Hexdoc and Autodock), OMICS tools, Gene manipulation using CRISPR-Cas-9 and guided RNA and RNA biology and RNA therapeutics: RNA aptamer database, tools and servers for structural characterization, MiRNA, ShRNA, SiRNA, RNAi and Circular.

Animal & Stem Cell Culture (Module 5)

Introduction of Cell culture/ Animal cell culture/Cancer cell culture/ Stem cell culture, Knowledge of Cell culture for vaccine production, Different cell lines, Therapeutic proteins, gene therapy and cancer research, Biosafety recommendation on the Handling of Animal cell cultures and Good Laboratory Practices (GLP), Micropipette handling (forward and reverse pipetting techniques), Primary Cell culture and its maintenance, Contamination in cell culture, Biological, Introduction to Subculture, Basics of Adherent vs Suspension Culture, Trypsinization, passaging for suspension culture (Shake off and scraping), Sterilization of all chemicals and instruments, Collection of blood sample, Collection of blood sample, Isolation of Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells (PBMC) by sucrose gradient centrifuge, Preparation of PBMC suspension, Washing of PBMC isolate, Primary culture of PBMC into cell culture media, Handling and maintenance of CO2 incubator, Total viable cell counts through hemocytometer, Subculture of PBMC into culture media, Cell viability assay using MTT/alamar blue, Basic concept of Labelling, Basics of Cryopreservation: Freezing and thawing of cell lines, Genomic DNA isolation and estimation from cell line, Total RNA isolation from mammalian cell by triozol method, Agarose gel electrophoresis of DNA and RNA, Total Protein extraction from human cell lines, Protein estimation, SDS-PAGE electrophoreisis of extracted protein, Coomassie brilliant blue staining of protein gel and expression checking via western blotting, Anticancer drug screening in mammalian culture platform. Culture and Handling of mammalian cell culture and its maintenance (T).

Recombinant DNA Technology and Genetic Engineering (Module 6)

Introduction to Recombinant DNA Technology, Introduction to Genetic Engineering, Scope of Recombinant DNA Technology and Genetic Engineering, Market size and Job prospects in India, Good laboratory practices (GLP), Standard operating procedure (SOP), Principle and Handling of laboratory equipment, Basic chemical calculations, Reagent preparation, Isolation of DNA from blood, bacteria, Oral cavity, Isolation of RNA from blood, bacteria, Oral cavity and, Qualitative analysis of DNA, Quantitative analysis of DNA, Qualitative analysis of RNA, Quantitative analysis of RNA, Polymerase Chain Reaction, Agarose Gel electrophoresis, Qualitative analysis of Protein, Quantitative analysis of Protein, Analysis of protein purification by SDS-PAGE.

Microbial Genetic Engineering:- Plasmid DNA isolation, Competent cell Preparation, Restriction Digestion, Ligation, Transformation by Heat Shock Method, LB broth preparations and sterilization, Identification of Recombinants – Insertional inactivation method and Blue White Screening, Blotting Techniques- Southern Blotting and Northern Blotting (T).

Food Genetic Engineering:-Isolation of DNA from Genetically modified crop (GMC) and non-Genetically modified crop, Qualitative analysis of Genetically modified crop (GMC) and non-Genetically modified crop, Quantitative analysis of Genetically modified crop (GMC) and non-Genetically modified crop, Isolation of protein from Genetically modified crop (GMC) and non-Genetically modified crop.

Forensic Science and DNA fingerprinting (Module 7)

Introduction to Forensic Science, Forensic Biotechnology, Forensic Genetics, Forensic Agriculture, DNA fingerprinting / DNA Profiling / DNA Testing, History of DNA fingerprinting; Ethics, Rules and Procedures, Scope of Forensic science and DNA fingerprinting in India, Major companies and Market size, Job prospects in India, Good laboratory practices (GLP), Standard operating procedure (SOP), Principle and Handling of laboratory equipment’s, Basic chemical calculations.

Human DNA fingerprinting:- Genomic DNA isolation from human blood, Genomic DNA isolation from Hair, Genomic DNA isolation from saliva, Genomic DNA isolation from Nail, Qualitative analysis of isolated Genomic DNA, Quantitative analysis of isolated Genomic DNA, PCR amplification of DNA using random primers for RAPD marker, PCR amplification of DNA using random primers for SSR marker, Agarose gel electrophoresis of PCR products, Gel scoring and data analysis, RFLP Method: Genomic DNA isolation, Restriction digestion, Agarose gel electrophoresis, Southern blotting, Probe hybridization (T).

Plant DNA fingerprinting:- Isolation of DNA from plant species, Quantification and quality assessment of isolated DNA using UV-VIS spectrophotometry, PCR amplification of DNA using random primers for RAPD marker, PCR amplification of DNA using random primers for SSR marker, Agarose gel electrophoresis of PCR products, Gel scoring and data analysis, AFLP Method: DNA isolation, Restriction digestion, Ligation, Pre-amplification, Agarose gel electrophoresis.

Instrumentation Techniques (Module 8)

General and safety rules for working in Lab, Demonstration of all instruments, Good laboratory practices, Aim, principle, SOP and Calibration of micropipette, reverse and forward pipetting; Aim, principle, SOP, Calibration and application of autoclave; Aim, principle, SOP, Calibration and application of pH meter; Aim, principle and Calibration of lactometer; Aim, principle, SOP and application of Soxhlet apparatus, Aim, principle, SOP and application of Clevenger apparatus; Aim, principle, SOP and application of TDS meter, Aim, principle, SOP and application of viscometer; Aim, principle, SOP and application of vortex mixer; Aim, principle, SOP, Calibration and application of LAF; Aim, principle, SOP, Calibration and application of centrifuge; Aim, principle, SOP, Calibration and application of UV-VIS Spectrophotometer; Aim, principle, SOP, Calibration and application of UV-VIS Spectrophotometer; Aim, principle, SOP, Calibration and application of Agarose gel electrophoresis; Aim, principle, SOP, Calibration and application of SDS-PAGE; Aim, principle, SOP and application of colony counter, Aim, principle, SOP and application of microscope; Aim, principle, SOP and application of PCR, Aim, principle, SOP, Calibration and application of Flame photometer; Aim, principle, SOP and application of TLC, Column chromatography and HPLC; Aim, principle, SOP and application of Fermenter; Aim, principle, SOP and application of ELISA; Aim, principle, SOP and application of RIA (T) etc.

Mushroom Cultivation (Module 9)

Introduction to mushroom cultivation, Application of mushroom cultivation, Recent trends and future perspective in mushroom cultivation, preparation of stock pure culture, Substrate preparation of mushroom, Soaking, Pasteurization, Media preparation, spawning and spawn production cropping and harvesting Qualitative and Quantitative analysis of cultivated mushroom, Analysis of physiological parameter of cultivated mushroom-Moisture determination, total ash, total lipid, total lipid, total protein ,total carbohydrate content.

* (T) Stands for theory


Registration fee- 1000/-(Excludes Program Fees)
1 month (Any 2 Module) ₹ 17,000 400$ All Life science students, Graduates or post graduates, pursuing or passed out students can apply.
45 Days (Any 3 Module) ₹ 24,000 560$ PhD scholars, College faculties, working professionals can also apply.
2 Months (Any 4 Module) ₹ 29,000 700$
3 Months (Any 6 Module) ₹ 44,000 1050$

Batch Timings: 10:00 A.M- 2:30 P.M (Morning) & 2:00 P.M - 6:30 P.M (Evening).
Note: GST additional as per applicable.

Note: GST additional as per applicable.

Discount & Benefits

  • Individual Hands-on Training in Short term training.
  • Counseling sessions for jobs in Biotech sector for every student.
  • Events and activities on weekend.
  • An Industrial certificate i.e. valid in India and Abroad after completion of training.
  • Free verification of Certificate for next 20 years.
  • Regular Job assistance in mails.
  • Free subscription of Bioteknow magazine for next 5 years worth Rs. 4000/-
  • Free assistance in Biotech Conferences, Workshops and Events updates by us.
  • Viva-Preparation
  • Wi-Fi campus

Nearby Accommodation/Pgs & Hostel facility in 6,000/- per month (cost varies)

How to Apply

1️⃣ Fill the “Apply Online” Form.

2️⃣ Pay the Registration Fees – ₹1000 via UPI on 9910181655.
3️⃣ Send the screenshot of your payment via Whatsapp on 9910181655 with Name & Center.